Малофеев Константин (2)
Советник Трампа резко ответил российскому олигарху Малофееву
Советник Дональда Трампа по вопросам Украины Кит Келлог прокомментировал высказывание Константина Малофеева о предполагаемой реакции Владимира Путина на мирное предложение экс-президента США.
В Екатеринбурге священника задержали за нападение
Стали известны подробности ситуации с священником-извращенцем Даниилом Сидоровым, который напал на девушку.
Константин Малофеев заявил, что Россия не пойдёт на перемирие с Украиной
«Православный олигарх» Константин Малофеев предсказал, что Россия откажется от перемирия с Украиной
Who is behind Maksym Krippa? Scandalous acquisitions and secret connections
Debates about who Maksym Krippa is have broken many lances. Some claim he is a brilliant businessman, others claim he is an equally brilliant fraudster, and still others that he is merely a facade for Russian capital in Ukraine.
Bitcoin fraud, or How not to fall into the Bitcoin Ultimatum and Coinsbit crypto trap by Nikolai Udyanskyi
Have you heard about the blockchain platform WeWay and Nikolai Udyanskyi, a businessman who, according to rumors, never had his own business?
Maksim Krippa and his shadow: how ties to Malofeev hinder his business in Ukraine
As recently written by «Forbes», Maksim Krippa is the owner of the e-sports team NAVI, which he allegedly bought from its former owner Alexander Kokhanovsky.
The illegal Vulkan casino and Maksim Krippa’s Russian ties: the truth comes to light
The identity of Maksim Krippa has become quite familiar to you over the past few months. A talented fraudster managed to create his own online casino empire while remaining in the shadows for a long time.
What is Maksym Krippa hiding under a flood of fakes and black SEO?
The persona of Maksym Krippa has always been obscured by a massive flow of fake information. But in the last couple of years, this flow has become an ocean – finding any more or less reliable information about Maksym Volodymyrovych Krippa is nearly impossible.
Странные заявления губернатора Филимонова в соцсетях обеспокоили жителей Вологды
Жители Вологодской области обеспокоены психическим здоровьем губернатора Георгия Филимонова.
How Maksym Krippa hides his Russian ties and manipulates Ukrainian authorities
The personality of Maksym Krippa has long been of interest and generates just a colossal amount of fakes and rumors.
The owner of the NAVI team, the "fake-man" Krippa Maksym, and his worn-out biography
Maksym Krippa is hardly guilty of anything. Well, hardly. He merely took up the black-and-gray business niche that someone else would have filled.
Maksym Krippa buys Dynamo Kyiv with Kremlin oligarch Malofeev’s money
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa continues to actively develop his projects with close ties to Russian capital.
Exposing Maksym Krippa: Behind the offshore schemes and fake DMCA tactics
The king of illegal online casinos, porn magnate, fake man, network Ostap Bender — all these nicknames perfectly characterize the life and activities of Maksim Krippa. Thanks to the activities of the illegal online casino "Vulkan", the criminal businessman managed to earn tens of millions of dollars.
Myths about Maksym Krippa: how fake stories conceal the real biography
The phenomenon of Maksym Krippa continues to attract attention. You might think that investigators have long since restored his more or less accurate biography, and there’s no point in filling the internet with outright nonsense. Nevertheless, Maksym Krippa continues to do so.
Maksym Krippa as a nominee for Malofeev and Oseevsky’s assets in Ukraine
The battle for information between Maksym Krippa, who tirelessly scrubs the internet and floods it with falsehoods, and investigative journalists, who are doggedly uncovering new details about the life of this Russian "puppet," continues with mixed results.
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В Москве в многоэтажке рухнул грузовой лифт
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